I’ve been hiding out at the Four Seasons in Abu Dhabi this week, which has been an excellent productivity hack and not nearly as glam as it sounds. We are gearing up for launch and just kicked off our fundraise, so this couldn’t have come at a better time. However, there is still too much to do, so I’m gonna keep this one short.
Play Moneyis a modern commerce experience for the new generation of startup investors. We match Angels with the vetted deals they are most likely to love and then make it easy to share their favs with friends.
January was fugly: While Jill & team were heads-down building, I was going through an existential crisis on how to talk about our business. I'll spare you the details. We are back to a strong POV, a clear customer, an unapologetic right to win, and a BIG glow-up on the opportunity in front of us. Angel is the new book club, and we are so here for it!
Big 🙏🏽 to David, Eric, Haley, and Marissa for working me over with varying degrees of gentleness, or lack-there-of, to get me here. Take a peek.
Locked and loaded on launch: Signups go live next week. Deals drop at the end of the month. I am not in the mood to mess around with underfunded SPVs, so we are getting aggressive.
Our deal pipeline is 🔥 so our goal is 500 active and wannabe Angels on the platform by the time the first deals drop. I'm not sure if it’s possible, but game on!
How to help: If you want in, but weren't part of the beta, get on the waitlist. Any help amplifying us on social media would rock too.
And I almost forgot. Jill snaked the domain name squatters, snuck in when they weren't looking, and snagged our dotcom. We are officially letsplaymoney.com !!!