The platform that helps 38M family caregivers get paid.
With RubyWell, family caregivers save money, navigate benefits, and can get trained and paid through partnerships with healthcare systems and home health agencies. Older adults with a trained family caregiver at home have a 40% lower system utilization rate, which significantly reduces costs to both Home Health Agencies and the Medicare system at large.
RubyWell Helps Family Caregivers Get Paid
38M Family Caregivers Are Filling the Gap for Underserved Medicare Patients
With RubyWell, family caregivers save money, navigate benefits, and can get trained and paid through partnerships with healthcare systems and home health agencies. Older adults with a trained family caregiver at home have a 40% lower system utilization rate, which significantly reduces costs to both Home Health Agencies and the Medicare system at large.
Deep Regulatory Experience and Industry Knowledge
Julie Kennedy
Julie is a serial entrepreneur committed to building life-changing businesses. She is a Medicare and healthcare specialist whose experience and insights guide RubyWell's innovation.
Julie was the founding COO of, and as the Founder of America SCORES, received a Washingtonian of the Year award, a Daily Points of Light award, and was a finalist for the Presidential National Service Award.
Michael Loeb
Michael Loeb, a serial entrepreneur, is a private venture investor, start-up incubator, and operator of industry-defining businesses. Michael launched and sold the Synapse Group, now a wholly-owned subsidiary of Time Warner, and worked with Jay Walker in the creation and early funding of Priceline.
RubyWell Pitch Deck
Ask a Question
Kirstine Ward
Hi Julie! Loved listening to your pitch and super interested in what you're building. Curious if you could elaborate on your traction, the scope of the initial roll-out in 2 states, and what might come after?
Thank you!